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The Dark Untold Story Of PUBG Sanhok Map

SANHOK, unlike other PUBG maps, is 4×4 km wide consisting of the jungles and mountains. But there is a dark story behind this jungle map. Many PUBG players have complained of seeing a ghost or spiritual activities in this horror map. The story behind this map is more terrifying.

    It was the ancient time when kings ruled their kingdoms. The island of Sanhok was ruled by a cruel king. As per their traditions and rituals the first daughter of the villagers, when reached the age of 14, would be sacrificed in the name of GOD. They were killed in a cave such that their blood was allowed to drop in the cave and then their dead bodies were buried in ruins. ( In the game both the cave and ruins are present. Also one can notice the water full of blood inside the cave)

               They kept doing it until one day the king had died suddenly. The reason was unknown. One of the king's man became the next king only to die the same way the earlier king had died.

                     The villagers believed that the ghost of the girls who were sacrificed was the reason behind the death of the kings. It was very terrifying for them.

                      They made dolls of the girls who were sacrificed because they hoped that the ghost would be stuck in the dolls and would not kill them. In the real game, the dolls can be found in many locations. Also, many horror sightings were seen by many players.

     Some images of horror sightings are given below :


               Having no king to rule, the civilians were divided into two groups. One supporting the ritual and the other one opposing the ritual. The ironic thing is that the supporting group thought that the paranormal activities are because GOD is angry with the opposing group and the opposing group thought that the paranormal activities are because of the supporting group.

      The role of PUBG players on this island is either the ritual supporting or the opposing group. Which group in your opinion is correct? Answer us by leaving a comment below. 
    Note : 

         ▪ The name 'Sanhok' has been derived from the combination of the Thai word for 'fun' pronounced as sah-nook and the Filipino word for chicken pronounced as 'mah-nook'.
       ▪ There is no strong proof that this story for Sanhok is true but according to many players and some evidence of horror, activities increases the trueness of this story.

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