۱۳۹۹ خرداد ۲, جمعه

Diggy - Extract Enpoints From APK Files

Diggy can extract endpoints/URLs from apk files. It saves the result into a txt file for further processing.

  • apktool

./diggy.sh /path/to/apk/file.apk
You can also install it for easier access by running install.sh
After that, you will be able to run Diggy as follows:
diggy /path/to/apk/file.apk

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۱۳۹۹ خرداد ۱, پنجشنبه

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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Leo's Noob

I would like to send a salve to my friend noob at Rivendel in Brazilian company hahaha
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How To Install Windscribe - The Best Free VPN On GNU/Linux Distros?

Why should you use Windscrive?
   Windscribe is well-known for their free VPN service but they also have a paid version. Only with a free account, you will get 10 countries to connect through and change your real IP address and 10GB of free traffic (if you use an email to sign up Windscribe), and unlimited devices.

   The Free version is awesome, but the Pro one is even better! With Pro version you will get Unlimited DataUnblock over 60 Countries and 110 CitiesConfig Generator (OpenVPN, IKEv2, SOCKS5), and full protection from R.O.B.E.R.T.

   For your information, Windscribe is one of the best VPN services in the category Free AuditValue Audit and Overall Audit in BestVPN.com Awards 2019 (Read the White Paper here). You totally can believe in Windscribe (100% no logs).

   And about R.O.B.E.R.T, it's an advanced DNS level blocker that protects you from MalwareAds and TrackersSocial trackingPornGamblingFake NewsClickbait and Cryptominers. Read more about R.O.B.E.R.T.

Anyway, Windscribe helps you:
  • Stop tracking and browse privately: Governments block content based on your location. Corporations track and sell your personal data. Get Windscribe and take back control of your privacy.
  • Unblock geo-restricted content: Windscribe masks your IP address. This gives you unrestricted and private access to entertainment, news sites, and blocked content in over 45 different countries.
  • Take your browsing history to your grave: Protect your browsing history from your network administrator, ISP, or your mom. Windscribe doesn't keep any logs, so your private data stays with you.
  • Stop leaking personal information: Prevent hackers from stealing your data while you use public WIFI and block annoying advertisers from stalking you online.
  • Go beyond basic VPN protection: For comprehensive privacy protection, use our desktop and browser combo (they're both free).

   Windscribe also supports Chrome browser, Firefox browser, Opera browser, Smart TV, Routers, Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows OS, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux OS, you name it.

   You can install Windscribe on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Arch Linux and their based distros too.

   But to install and safely use Internet through Windscribe, you must sign up an account first. If you already have an account then let's get started.

How to install Windscribe on Arch and Arch-based distros?
   First, open your Terminal.

   For Arch Linux and Arch-based distro users, you can install Windscribe from AUR. Run these commands without root to download and install Windscribe on your Arch:

   For other distro users, go to VPN for Linux - Windscribe choose the binary file that compatible with your distro (.DEB for Debian and Ubuntu based, .RPM for Fedora and CentOS based) and then install it.
dpkg -i [Windscribe .DEB package]
rpm -ivh [Windscribe .RPM package]

   Or you can scroll down to Pick Your Distro, click to the distro version you use, or click to the distro version that your distro is based on and follow the instructions.

   Now enter these commands to auto-start a and log in to Windscribe.

   Enter your username and password and then you can enjoy Windscribe's free VPN service.

How to use Windscribe on Linux?
   This is Windscribe list of commands (windscribe --help):
   If you want Windscribe to chooses the best location for you, use windscribe connect best.

   But if you want to choose location yourself, here is the list of Windscribe's locations:
   *Pro only
   Example, i want to connect to "Los Angeles - Dogg", i use windscribe connect Dogg.

   If you want to stop connecting through Windscribe use windscribe disconnect.

   For some reasons, you want to log out Windscribe from your device, use windscribe logout.

I hope this article is helpful for you 😃

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Nipe - A Script To Make TOR Network Your Default Gateway

Tor enables users to surf the Internet, chat and send instant messages anonymously, and is used by a wide variety of people for both Licit and Illicit purposes. Tor has, for example, been used by criminals enterprises, Hacktivism groups, and law enforcement agencies at cross purposes, sometimes simultaneously.

Nipe is a Script to make Tor Network your Default Gateway.

This Perl Script enables you to directly route all your traffic from your computer to the Tor Network through which you can surf the Internet Anonymously without having to worry about being tracked or traced back.

Download and install:
    git clone https://github.com/GouveaHeitor/nipe
cd nipe
cpan install Switch JSON LWP::UserAgent

install Install dependencies
start Start routing
stop Stop routing
restart Restart the Nipe process
status See status


perl nipe.pl install
perl nipe.pl start
perl nipe.pl stop
perl nipe.pl restart
perl nipe.pl status


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WiFiJammer: Amazing Wi-Fi Tool

The name sounds exciting but really does it jam WiFi networks? Yes, it is able to do the thing which it's name suggests. So today I'm going to show you how to annoy your friend by cutting him/her short of the WiFi service.


  1. A computer/laptop with WiFi capable of monitoring (monitor mode).
  2. A Linux OS (I'm using Arch Linux with BlackArch Repos)
  3. And the most obvious thing wifijammer (If you're having BlackArch then you already have it).

How does it work? You maybe thinking!, it's quite simple it sends the deauth packets from the client to the AP (Access Point) after spoofing its (client's) mac-address which makes AP think that it's the connected client who wants to disconnect and Voila!

Well to jam all WiFi networks in your range its quite easy just type:

sudo wifijammer

but wait a minute this may not be a good idea. You may jam all the networks around you, is it really what you want to do? I don't think so and I guess it's illegal.

We just want to play a prank on our friend isn't it? So we want to attack just his/her AP. To do that just type:

sudo wifijammer -a <<AP-MAC-ADDRESS>>

here -a flag specifies that we want to jam a particular AP and after it we must provide the MAC-ADDRESS of that particular AP that we want to jam.
Now how in the world am I going to know what is the MAC-ADDRESS of my friend's AP without disturbing the other people around me?
It's easy just use the Hackers all time favorite tool airodump-ng. Type in the following commands:

sudo airmon-ng

sudo airodump-ng

airmon-ng will put your device in monitor mode and airodump-ng will list all the wifi networks around you with their BSSID, MAC-ADDRESS, and CHANNELS. Now look for your friend's BSSID and grab his/her MAC-ADDRESS and plug that in the above mentioned command. Wooohooo! now you are jamming just your friend's wifi network.

Maybe that's not what you want, maybe you want to jam all the people on a particular channel well wifijammer can help you even with that just type:

sudo wifijammer -c <<CHANNEL-NUMBER>>

with -c we specify to wifijammer that we only want to deauth clients on a specified channel. Again you can see with airodump-ng who is on which channel.

wifijammer has got many other flags you can check out all flags using this command that you always knew:

sudo wifijammer -h

Hope you enjoyed it, good bye and have fun :)

Read more

۱۳۹۹ اردیبهشت ۳۱, چهارشنبه

April 2019 Connector

April 2019


Letter from the Vice Chairman:

Dear OWASP Community,

Over the past number of months the Board of Directors has been working on the feedback received from the community. This feedback aligned with our key strategic goals for the year. One of our key goals was to further strengthen the "P" in OWASP. To this end we have been working with the Open Security Summit to put more of a focus on improving project development and growth and hope to enable projects through events such as this.

Another goal is to strengthen our student outreach. One idea I had was to work with colleges all over the world to support our projects development as part of their internships. I wonder if there would be anyone in the community to assist in this effort by creating a Committee under the revised Committee 2.0 model - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Governance/OWASP_Committees. To simplify things I have added a quick start guide at the beginning of the document.

Diversity is something that we hold dear to our hearts. There are a number of people in our community that have driven this initiative to enable OWASP to be a more diverse community, without naming any names, we would like to thank them and encourage more of those in and outside of the OWASP community to get involved and help OWASP grow.

Last but not least, planning for our global conferences is well under way with OWASP Global AppSec Tel Aviv coming up at the end of May – one small ask is that everyone share information on this conference in your communities,https://telaviv.appsecglobal.org.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Owen Pendlebury
OWASP Vice Chairman


For these first few months I have been focused on business operations retooling. As you know, Mailman was recently retired. There is now an online static archive of historical messages. Our goal before Q3 is to have most of our tools on managed, trusted hosted services.

We have increased our use of JIRA to manage inbound requests and last month the team closed 98.6% of service tickets within their prescribed SLA. In January it was 20.4%. This is a very big accomplishment and demonstrates our progress on this work effort. There have also been a number of back office changes that most members won't notice, but we're focused on stronger business continuity for the long term.

In addition to all our upcoming events, the staff along with some members of the community are actively prototyping how we will completely update the website this summer. This effort will not be simply cosmetic, it will be a foundational change in how we manage and publish content that we believe will better connect with our community - and more importantly help us grow. Expect more updates on this in the coming months.

Be safe out there,

Mike McCamon
OWASP, Interim Executive Director
Have you Registered yet? 
Sponsorship for Global AppSec Tel Aviv is still available.  
Global AppSec DC September 9-13, 2019
submit to the Call for Papers and Call for Training


You may also be interested in one of our other affiliated events:


Event Date Location
Latam Tour 2019 Starting April 4, 2019 Latin America
OWASP Portland Training Day September 25, 2019 Portland, OR
LASCON X October 24-25,2019 Austin, TX
OWASP AppSec Day 2019 Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2019 Melbourne, Australia

Event Date Location
Cyber Security and Cloud Expo Global April 25-26, 2019 London
IoT Tech Expo Global April 25-26, 2019 London
Internet of Things World May 13-16, 2019 Santa Clara Conventional Center, CA
Hack in Paris 2019 June 16-20, 2019 Paris
Cyber Security and Cloud Expo Europe June 19-20, 2019 Amsterdam
IoT Tech Expo Europe June 19-20, 2019 Amsterdam
it-sa-IT Security Expo and Congress October 8-10, 2019 Germany


The Project Showcase at Global AppSec Tel Aviv has received a great deal of interest.  Anyone attending will be in for a steady stream of information on OWASP Projects.  The following projects are proposed for the showcase (the actual schedule has not been developed so the order is not indicative of time slots):

Project Presenter(s)
Glue Tool Omer Levi Hevroni
Internet of Things Aaron Guzman
Embedded AppSec Aaron Guzman
Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) John DiLeo
API Security Erez Yalon, Inon Shkedy
Mod Security Core Rule Set Christian Folini, Tin Zaw
Automated Threats Tin Zaw
Application Security Curriculum Project John DiLeo
Defect Dojo Aaron Weaver
Web Honeypot Project Adrian Winckles
Damned Vulnerable Serverless Application Tal Melamed

The scheduled for project reviews at Global AppSec Tel Aviv are the following:
Project Review Level Leaders
Snakes and Ladders Lab Colin Watson, Katy Anton
Amass Lab Jeff Foley
Attack Surface Detector Lab Ken Prole
SecureTea Tool Lab Ade Yoseman Putra, Bambang Rahmadi KP, Rejah Rehim.AA
Serverless-Goat Lab Ory Segal
Cheat Sheet Series Flagship Dominique Righetto, Jim Manico
Mobile Security Testing Guide Flagship Sven Schleier, Jeroen Willemsen

If you are attending Global AppSec Tel Aviv 2019 and can participate in the project reviews (to be held on Monday and Tuesday prior to the conference, schedule pending), then please send an email to project-reviews@owasp.org


New OWASP Chapters
Amaravathi, India
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Bhopal, India
Cusco, Peru
Dindigul, India
Kharkiv, Ukraine 
Meerut, India
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
San Jacinto College, Texas
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Seoul, Korea
West Delhi, Delhi


We welcome the following Contributor Corporate Members

Premier Corporate Members

Contributor Corporate Members
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Our mailing address is:
OWASP Foundation 
1200-C Agora Drive, # 232
Bel Air, MD 21014  
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